I am currently taking a break from Mediumship Readings. Thank you for understanding!

Personal Mediumship Readings:
Virtual: $130
Home: $150
Services Included:
- An hour long reading
- Pictures of my notes taken during your reading
-Includes a 1 card Oracle card draw
- When you have a home reading, you may also record the session on a phone or voice recorder (voice only please- no video).
Personal readings are performed to serve you, and hopefully bring you peace in your grieving journey. These readings usually connect you with a lost loved one that has a message to relay to you, or simply wishes you to know they are okay and are with you and looking after you. If you are seeking a reading it is likely because you already know and sense you are not alone and are seeking validation.
What to Expect:
-If the loved one you're most wanting to hear from has passed within the last year, I highly recommend waiting for your reading. I believe there is an in-between phase and it takes some time for the soul to be willing and ready communicate. If you come before 6 months- a year, I am more likely to feel mostly emotions and may not be able to communicate their words and thoughts effectively and smoothly. I recommend not coming before at least 6 months as the grief you have and are experiencing is important- honor it.
- Readings need to be done in a private, quiet environment. If you choose to have a home reading, I will arrive expecting a kid free/distraction free home with only those participating in the reading in the home if possible. If I arrive and this is not the case, I reserve the right to charge a $25 travel fee, but cancel or reschedule your reading as a proper environment is vital to receive the best possible reading. This is also true for virtual readings, but a $5 inconvenience fee may be charged instead of the travel fee.
- If you have a physical object that belonged to someone you are hoping to hear from, please have it with you. It may help for me to hold it. I would rather not see it unless I ask for it, as they may use it as confirmation that it is them coming through during your reading.
- For home readings I will ask we have a table to sit at for the reading because I do like to take notes.
- You may only have ONE other person attend your reading with you. For more than 2 people attending, please review the group reading information below.
- If you are a skeptic or the person you would like to join you is, please consider the energy they’re bringing to the reading. It can be very difficult to conduct a reading for a serious skeptic that may unintentionally be creating a negative energy bubble in the space. I reserve the right to ask anyone to leave if I pick up on this feeling.
- I may ask you to verbally welcome me into your space and allow me to do a reading for you.
- I will invite and open the space for spirits to communicate.
-I may ask to remove my shoes and socks to become more grounded in the space.
- I may ask for at least 15 min to meditate, begin taking notes, connect, and sort through information I am receiving before I begin sharing information.
- The reading will play out depending on information and communication received. ALL readings are different.
- You may be asked to sign a permission/release form to allow me to audio record your session or if you choose to record your own session. Any recordings of my readings are only for private use.
- Being highly trained and in line with paranormal research. For home readings, I may use several other instruments to help provide means of communication including but not limited to EDI/EMF/KII meter, and REM pod.
Group Readings for 3-10 ($60/Participant*)
*call or text to book this service!*
Services Included:
- 1 hour long group reading
- A copy of the full audio file for all participants
I am now scheduling group readings. Whether this is for you and a couple friends, your girls or guys night celebration, or a family gathering or reunion; a medium reading is a fun way to share an experience. I currently prefer groups of 10 people or less.
Q: Why is this more expensive than a reading for 2?
A: Group readings are more difficult. Because there are more people, there are usually more spirits to communicate with and decipher messages for. Many times communication causes me mental and emotional exhaustion. Imagine up to 3 Spirits (sometimes more) coming through for each person in a group of 10! That’s a LOT!
Resident, Business, and Land Readings ($155*)
Services Included:
- 1 hour medium reading of your property
- A copy of all notes taken during the reading of the property.
- I will do my best to get the spirit on your land or in your home to cross over.
Important Disclaimers (Applies to all readings):
1. I cannot guarantee communication
2. I cannot guarantee communication with any one specific spirit/soul and I ask you do not share names, relationships or any other information before your reading. The less I know going in, the better.
3. The length of your reading is subject to change based on communication. It may be shorter than 1 hour. However, if you wish to extend your reading an additional charge of $20 per 30 minutes will be applied. You may extend your reading for up to 1 full extra hour. I allow time in my schedule for this as you can never know or anticipate how well a reading will go.
4. If I begin to feel ill, overwhelmed or unable to continue, I have the right to request a break or reschedule your reading (you would not be held responsible for exceeding 1 hour fee for this circumstance, or be charged extra to reschedule).
5. There may be some things I say that don't make sense right away. I welcome you to reflect on all the information I provide over the next several weeks. I often hear back from clients!
6. It is likely Information received during a reading can cause emotional distress. Please ask me to stop if it is too overwhelming for you. As such I am not liable in any way for your mental health. I also recommend having tissues ready.
7. You may be asked to sign a contract containing these details and a release to either allow or not allow me to use any recordings and photos on social platforms. Any clips shared on social media will never contain identifying information.
8. All appointments subject to rescheduling by Ashlee. (Having 4 kids is unpredictable, and so is Spirit!)
**Payment Information**
1. I now require a downpayment of $15 at the time you book your session. Because I only book a few readings a week, a last minute cancellation really impacts my income for the month. I have had an increase in cancelled appointments (as well as an increase in inquiries) and feel this is best to ensure your appointment reservation! This downpayment WILL go towards the cost of your session. If I reschedule, you will not lose your downpayment. You may pay this via Venmo or an invoice will be sent via Square to your email. Please pay immediately to hold your appointment.
2. Prices listed are for CASH payment. I DO now accept all major credit card payments (debit, Discover, AmEx, and MasterCard). However, a $3 convenience fee will be added to your total amount due when paying by card.
Virtual: $130
Home: $150
Services Included:
- An hour long reading
- Pictures of my notes taken during your reading
-Includes a 1 card Oracle card draw
- When you have a home reading, you may also record the session on a phone or voice recorder (voice only please- no video).
Personal readings are performed to serve you, and hopefully bring you peace in your grieving journey. These readings usually connect you with a lost loved one that has a message to relay to you, or simply wishes you to know they are okay and are with you and looking after you. If you are seeking a reading it is likely because you already know and sense you are not alone and are seeking validation.
What to Expect:
-If the loved one you're most wanting to hear from has passed within the last year, I highly recommend waiting for your reading. I believe there is an in-between phase and it takes some time for the soul to be willing and ready communicate. If you come before 6 months- a year, I am more likely to feel mostly emotions and may not be able to communicate their words and thoughts effectively and smoothly. I recommend not coming before at least 6 months as the grief you have and are experiencing is important- honor it.
- Readings need to be done in a private, quiet environment. If you choose to have a home reading, I will arrive expecting a kid free/distraction free home with only those participating in the reading in the home if possible. If I arrive and this is not the case, I reserve the right to charge a $25 travel fee, but cancel or reschedule your reading as a proper environment is vital to receive the best possible reading. This is also true for virtual readings, but a $5 inconvenience fee may be charged instead of the travel fee.
- If you have a physical object that belonged to someone you are hoping to hear from, please have it with you. It may help for me to hold it. I would rather not see it unless I ask for it, as they may use it as confirmation that it is them coming through during your reading.
- For home readings I will ask we have a table to sit at for the reading because I do like to take notes.
- You may only have ONE other person attend your reading with you. For more than 2 people attending, please review the group reading information below.
- If you are a skeptic or the person you would like to join you is, please consider the energy they’re bringing to the reading. It can be very difficult to conduct a reading for a serious skeptic that may unintentionally be creating a negative energy bubble in the space. I reserve the right to ask anyone to leave if I pick up on this feeling.
- I may ask you to verbally welcome me into your space and allow me to do a reading for you.
- I will invite and open the space for spirits to communicate.
-I may ask to remove my shoes and socks to become more grounded in the space.
- I may ask for at least 15 min to meditate, begin taking notes, connect, and sort through information I am receiving before I begin sharing information.
- The reading will play out depending on information and communication received. ALL readings are different.
- You may be asked to sign a permission/release form to allow me to audio record your session or if you choose to record your own session. Any recordings of my readings are only for private use.
- Being highly trained and in line with paranormal research. For home readings, I may use several other instruments to help provide means of communication including but not limited to EDI/EMF/KII meter, and REM pod.
Group Readings for 3-10 ($60/Participant*)
*call or text to book this service!*
Services Included:
- 1 hour long group reading
- A copy of the full audio file for all participants
I am now scheduling group readings. Whether this is for you and a couple friends, your girls or guys night celebration, or a family gathering or reunion; a medium reading is a fun way to share an experience. I currently prefer groups of 10 people or less.
Q: Why is this more expensive than a reading for 2?
A: Group readings are more difficult. Because there are more people, there are usually more spirits to communicate with and decipher messages for. Many times communication causes me mental and emotional exhaustion. Imagine up to 3 Spirits (sometimes more) coming through for each person in a group of 10! That’s a LOT!
Resident, Business, and Land Readings ($155*)
Services Included:
- 1 hour medium reading of your property
- A copy of all notes taken during the reading of the property.
- I will do my best to get the spirit on your land or in your home to cross over.
Important Disclaimers (Applies to all readings):
1. I cannot guarantee communication
2. I cannot guarantee communication with any one specific spirit/soul and I ask you do not share names, relationships or any other information before your reading. The less I know going in, the better.
3. The length of your reading is subject to change based on communication. It may be shorter than 1 hour. However, if you wish to extend your reading an additional charge of $20 per 30 minutes will be applied. You may extend your reading for up to 1 full extra hour. I allow time in my schedule for this as you can never know or anticipate how well a reading will go.
4. If I begin to feel ill, overwhelmed or unable to continue, I have the right to request a break or reschedule your reading (you would not be held responsible for exceeding 1 hour fee for this circumstance, or be charged extra to reschedule).
5. There may be some things I say that don't make sense right away. I welcome you to reflect on all the information I provide over the next several weeks. I often hear back from clients!
6. It is likely Information received during a reading can cause emotional distress. Please ask me to stop if it is too overwhelming for you. As such I am not liable in any way for your mental health. I also recommend having tissues ready.
7. You may be asked to sign a contract containing these details and a release to either allow or not allow me to use any recordings and photos on social platforms. Any clips shared on social media will never contain identifying information.
8. All appointments subject to rescheduling by Ashlee. (Having 4 kids is unpredictable, and so is Spirit!)
**Payment Information**
1. I now require a downpayment of $15 at the time you book your session. Because I only book a few readings a week, a last minute cancellation really impacts my income for the month. I have had an increase in cancelled appointments (as well as an increase in inquiries) and feel this is best to ensure your appointment reservation! This downpayment WILL go towards the cost of your session. If I reschedule, you will not lose your downpayment. You may pay this via Venmo or an invoice will be sent via Square to your email. Please pay immediately to hold your appointment.
2. Prices listed are for CASH payment. I DO now accept all major credit card payments (debit, Discover, AmEx, and MasterCard). However, a $3 convenience fee will be added to your total amount due when paying by card.