![]() Meditating can seem daunting when you first think about starting. I’ll go on and say it. There are a lot of misconceptions about meditation. If you haven’t tried meditating before, you probably think its when you sit still for an extended amount of time and think about absolutely nothing. Well, meditation CAN be that, but it usually isn’t. Meditation can be 1 minute (or, I suppose even less) or days long if you wish. Meditation can be a state of prayer, communing with your guides, or even taking a look in to your past lives (and so much more). Meditation is usually the first thing I have my consultant clients start with. Whether you are working on tapping into your own sensitive ability/sensitive awareness, or just seeking more spiritual guidance through life, so many answers, and so much comfort can be handed to you simply through practicing meditation. Great- How Do I Get Started? Start Small! If you have little to no practice with meditation I recommend starting with small expectations. First and foremost, make the commitment! It is ok to only plan for and stay in your meditation for only 1-5 minutes when you are first beginning!
You may sit upright (any way your legs are comfortable) or you may lie down in comfortable position. Yes- you may find yourself falling asleep during meditation, especially when you're new to it. Guess what? That's ok! It means you found a place of peacefulness and were able to quiet your body and mind! It's still a success! Use either white noise (always my first recommendation because this is my personal preference), Tibetan Singing Bowl Chakra playlist, meditation or calming music, or, you may follow a guided meditation on YouTube. Different people find they are better able to stay “focused” on their meditation while listening to different things. That’s ok! Take time, experiment which one you like the best and which you have the best experiences with. Focus on your breath. Focus on centering and grounding your body with the Earth. Feel your body become one with the Earth. WE are ONE. If you’re not using a guided meditation video, I recommend by starting out by focusing on the backs of your eyelids. You may begin to see colors or shapes. They may move around or take form. You may eventually “see” other images other than colors, or shapes. Whatever you see or experience, really focus in on. Truly analyze or ask what you are seeing and why. You may directly ask your guides to help answer these questions.
REMEMBER: It is OK and NORMAL to get sidetracked. Even those who have been meditating for years still get sidetracked during meditations. For me, I may start thinking about what I am going to fix for dinner or worrying about something that I need to get done. The important thing to do is realize, this is OK. You need to acknowledge your thoughts wondering and consciously bring your focus back to your breath and your “vision” (what you are experiencing during meditation). This will lessen as you become more experienced at the practice of meditation. Once You’ve Generally Got That Down… You may start setting intentions for your meditations. You may choose ahead of time to ask your guides to show you whatever it is you need in this moment. You may ask them to show you how to work through a tough spot in your life. You may set the intention of getting a look in to a past life. You may ask a loved one to come forward for comfort and guidance. You may seek guidance regarding another person in your life. Meditation can be anything. Your spirit can be freed during meditation. Your whole sense of self may change- and you’ll be better for it! Welcome to the incredible world of meditation! ***Warning: Meditation may lead to spiritual awareness, spiritual awakening, and overall happiness (with a little confusion, and sometimes more questions). Be prepared to start using phrases like “I like your energy” and “I don’t know what it is… but something just feels…”*** If you were hoping for more detailed information: future posts will include more in-depth and focused information on some of these meditation types, grounding before meditation, meditating using crystals, astral projection, and other similar topics revolving around the wonders of meditation. Next week will be about cutting the cord: a meditation to free your energy bond from another person. Stay tuned! For now, please comment below or email me with any questions you have, what meditation topics you’d like to read about in the future, and what process you use when you meditate! I love to hear your stories!
![]() There's often a lot of confusion when it comes to the different types of sensitive abilities. I frequently get comments like: "What do you see in my future?" and "I'll be cheating on my psychic if I see you!". The truth is, these categories of abilities actually DO differ greatly. While many sensitives, have the ability to tap in to all of them, most have a focused area. A medium is not the same as a psychic (though there are some "psychic mediums"). Personally, I still don't call myself a Psychic, even though I often include "intuitive" reads during my session. I am a FIRM believer that every single living person on this Earth (and animals) have the ability to tap in to these areas. I don't think there are certain "chosen ones", however, I do believe certain souls are destined to experience these roles more strongly in their present lifetime. We're all on a continuing spiritual journey throughout our lifetimes and we are meant to experience different things and grow in certain ways. For each and every person who harnesses these abilities, they may present in completely different ways. Some, but not all experience similar things, but many receive messages in a way that is clear and specific to them. The following is a clear and simple breakdown of the different ways sensitive spiritual abilities may present themselves. You'll likely be surprised by how many you find yourself experiencing! Medium:
Other Intriguing Concepts that often fall in to these categories include: Telepathy:
As I said earlier, after reading through this list, you're probably amazed at how many of these phenomenon's you have experienced, even if just a time or two. Of course, I am going to challenge you to bring more awareness to these moments. Acknowledging these moments and learning from them are one of the best ways to increase and focus on your abilities. Try not to be frightened by them. Remember you are in fact, ALWAYS in control. If you know you experience one or more of these frequently and are hoping to grow in your abilities, I invite you to join my private Facebook Group for support. I have created a family here of understanding and non-judgmental individuals who are all on a journey of working on, growing and coping with these things we experience. It is a safe space for asking questions, getting guidance, and sharing experiences with like-minded people. |
AuthorMedium and creator of Spiritual Realm- Ashlee St.Denis. Featuring special entries from guests. Archives
March 2019