![]() Meditating can seem daunting when you first think about starting. I’ll go on and say it. There are a lot of misconceptions about meditation. If you haven’t tried meditating before, you probably think its when you sit still for an extended amount of time and think about absolutely nothing. Well, meditation CAN be that, but it usually isn’t. Meditation can be 1 minute (or, I suppose even less) or days long if you wish. Meditation can be a state of prayer, communing with your guides, or even taking a look in to your past lives (and so much more). Meditation is usually the first thing I have my consultant clients start with. Whether you are working on tapping into your own sensitive ability/sensitive awareness, or just seeking more spiritual guidance through life, so many answers, and so much comfort can be handed to you simply through practicing meditation. Great- How Do I Get Started? Start Small! If you have little to no practice with meditation I recommend starting with small expectations. First and foremost, make the commitment! It is ok to only plan for and stay in your meditation for only 1-5 minutes when you are first beginning!
You may sit upright (any way your legs are comfortable) or you may lie down in comfortable position. Yes- you may find yourself falling asleep during meditation, especially when you're new to it. Guess what? That's ok! It means you found a place of peacefulness and were able to quiet your body and mind! It's still a success! Use either white noise (always my first recommendation because this is my personal preference), Tibetan Singing Bowl Chakra playlist, meditation or calming music, or, you may follow a guided meditation on YouTube. Different people find they are better able to stay “focused” on their meditation while listening to different things. That’s ok! Take time, experiment which one you like the best and which you have the best experiences with. Focus on your breath. Focus on centering and grounding your body with the Earth. Feel your body become one with the Earth. WE are ONE. If you’re not using a guided meditation video, I recommend by starting out by focusing on the backs of your eyelids. You may begin to see colors or shapes. They may move around or take form. You may eventually “see” other images other than colors, or shapes. Whatever you see or experience, really focus in on. Truly analyze or ask what you are seeing and why. You may directly ask your guides to help answer these questions.
REMEMBER: It is OK and NORMAL to get sidetracked. Even those who have been meditating for years still get sidetracked during meditations. For me, I may start thinking about what I am going to fix for dinner or worrying about something that I need to get done. The important thing to do is realize, this is OK. You need to acknowledge your thoughts wondering and consciously bring your focus back to your breath and your “vision” (what you are experiencing during meditation). This will lessen as you become more experienced at the practice of meditation. Once You’ve Generally Got That Down… You may start setting intentions for your meditations. You may choose ahead of time to ask your guides to show you whatever it is you need in this moment. You may ask them to show you how to work through a tough spot in your life. You may set the intention of getting a look in to a past life. You may ask a loved one to come forward for comfort and guidance. You may seek guidance regarding another person in your life. Meditation can be anything. Your spirit can be freed during meditation. Your whole sense of self may change- and you’ll be better for it! Welcome to the incredible world of meditation! ***Warning: Meditation may lead to spiritual awareness, spiritual awakening, and overall happiness (with a little confusion, and sometimes more questions). Be prepared to start using phrases like “I like your energy” and “I don’t know what it is… but something just feels…”*** If you were hoping for more detailed information: future posts will include more in-depth and focused information on some of these meditation types, grounding before meditation, meditating using crystals, astral projection, and other similar topics revolving around the wonders of meditation. Next week will be about cutting the cord: a meditation to free your energy bond from another person. Stay tuned! For now, please comment below or email me with any questions you have, what meditation topics you’d like to read about in the future, and what process you use when you meditate! I love to hear your stories!
![]() There's often a lot of confusion when it comes to the different types of sensitive abilities. I frequently get comments like: "What do you see in my future?" and "I'll be cheating on my psychic if I see you!". The truth is, these categories of abilities actually DO differ greatly. While many sensitives, have the ability to tap in to all of them, most have a focused area. A medium is not the same as a psychic (though there are some "psychic mediums"). Personally, I still don't call myself a Psychic, even though I often include "intuitive" reads during my session. I am a FIRM believer that every single living person on this Earth (and animals) have the ability to tap in to these areas. I don't think there are certain "chosen ones", however, I do believe certain souls are destined to experience these roles more strongly in their present lifetime. We're all on a continuing spiritual journey throughout our lifetimes and we are meant to experience different things and grow in certain ways. For each and every person who harnesses these abilities, they may present in completely different ways. Some, but not all experience similar things, but many receive messages in a way that is clear and specific to them. The following is a clear and simple breakdown of the different ways sensitive spiritual abilities may present themselves. You'll likely be surprised by how many you find yourself experiencing! Medium:
Other Intriguing Concepts that often fall in to these categories include: Telepathy:
As I said earlier, after reading through this list, you're probably amazed at how many of these phenomenon's you have experienced, even if just a time or two. Of course, I am going to challenge you to bring more awareness to these moments. Acknowledging these moments and learning from them are one of the best ways to increase and focus on your abilities. Try not to be frightened by them. Remember you are in fact, ALWAYS in control. If you know you experience one or more of these frequently and are hoping to grow in your abilities, I invite you to join my private Facebook Group for support. I have created a family here of understanding and non-judgmental individuals who are all on a journey of working on, growing and coping with these things we experience. It is a safe space for asking questions, getting guidance, and sharing experiences with like-minded people. ![]() Crystals have been used for thousands of years and in many cultures for decoration, adornment, protection, and healing. Crystals can aid in healing the emotional, physical and energetic body. Ancient people all over the world used crystals for their magical and spiritual powers and referred to them as the “Bones of the Earth”. It is their vibrations from how they are created (heat, pressure, location in the earth etc.) that give them their unique properties to aid the body in different ways. Certain crystals are also known to work better for the different Chakras (for more on chakras go here). You may notice their colour often (but not always) corresponds with the chakra they help the most with. How Do I Choose a Crystal to Work With?
Storing Crystals:
Cleansing Your Crystals:
Using Crystals Daily: You may use crystals daily. You may carry them in your pocket, or close to your skin for them to benefit you throughout the day. Many crystals can be made into jewelry! Meditating with Crystals:
Using Crystals to Heal the Physical Body: ***Crystal healing is NOT a replacement for medical care. Please consult your doctor about any medical concerns***
Crystal Work is a Practice! It takes time and patience as you find yourself becoming more immersed and aware to your spiritual energy and self you will really start noticing differences. WARNING: Falling in love with crystals can result in many crsytal purchases. Proceed with caution! Wanting to learn more? Keep an eye out! Ever weekly Blog will have a Crystal of the Week! What a chance to learn about different crystals and their properties! Subscribe to get remiders! ![]() Even if you aren't a spiritual person, you have probably heard the word "chakras". It may have been thrown around as a joke... but we've all seen the memes (yes, even I think they're funny). This post is for beginners looking to understand the basics of the Chakra system and will not go in to extreme detail (future posts may be more in depth focusing on 1 chakra at a time). What are the Chakras? In the interest of being short and sweet, the Chakras are the 'energy body' to our physical body. There are 7 chakras which correspond with these energy centers. Each chakra works within the body to help you function at your highest level. Chakras are not only useful in the spiritual sense, but play a big role in the physical functionality of your body and your health. Keeping the chakras balanced is ultimately the goal. This is why you often see the chakras used in yoga and meditation practices. Awareness of their existance is the first step in balancing them and becoming a better you. The Chakras: from bottom up Root: (red) located at the base of the spine Physical: pelvis, bones, legs, ankles, feet, hips, rectum, immune Potential Health Problems: sciatica, varicose veins, pelvic pain, rectal tumors, hemorrhoids, problems with hips, knees, ankles and feet. Emotional: Security, self-esteem, being at home on Earth, connection to the Eath. Helpful Crystals: Smokey Quartz, garnet, bloodstone, ruby, red jasper, red beryl, red calcite, red agate, hematite, obsidian, Bloodstone Sacral: (orange) located just below the navel Physical: Sexual organs, large intestine, kidney, bladder, appendix, lower spine Potential Health Problems: lower back pain, premenstrual tension, infertility, impotence, bladder infections, appendicitis, kidney stones, infertility, pregnancy problems/positioning Emotional: Feelings, intimacy, desire, pleasure Helpful Crystals: Carnelian, orange calcite, citrine, tangerine quartz, fire opal, orange aragonite, moonstone Solar Plexus: (yellow) located just below the rib cage Physical: Stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine, mid-spine Potential Health Problems: ulcers, colon cancer, diabetes, indigestion, eating disorders, hepatitis, gallstones, constipation, diarrhea Emotional: Trust, personal responsibility, courage Helpful Crystals: Amber, yellow jasper, yellow tourmaline, golden topaz, tiger’s eye, citrine, rutilated quartz, yellow calcite, sunstone Heart: (green) located in the center of the chest Physical: Heart and circulatory system, ribs, chest, lungs, shoulders and arms, breasts, upper spine Potential Health Problems: high blood pressure, heart disease, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, shoulder problems, breast cancer Emotional: Love, compassion, empathy, relationship Helpful Crystals: Rose quartz, pink tourmaline, crysophase, pink danburite, peridot, green fluorite, green aventurine, green citrine, green jade, green jasper Throat: (blue) located at the throat Physical: Throat, neck, mouth, teeth, gums, jaw, thyroid, neck vertebrae, esophagus Potential Health Problems: sore throat, laryngitis, frequent colds, gum disease, dental problems, thyroid problems, swollen glands, stiff neck Emotional: Loyalty, integrity, self-expression Helpful Crystals: turquoise, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, blue lace agate, celestite, blue sapphire, sodalite, aqua aura Brow (Third Eye): (lavender) located in between the brows Physical: Brain, central nervous system, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, pituitary gland, pineal gland Potential Health Problems: epilepsy, eye problems, sinus infections, headaches, migraines, stroke, deafness, insomnia, nightmares Emotional: Clarity, open mindedness, imagination Helpful Crystals: Amethyst, iolite, azurite, purple fluorite, lilac kunzite, blue obsidian, sugilite, blue chalcedony, lapis lazuli Crown: (indigo) located just above the top of the head Physical: whole body systems: skeletal, muscular, skin, neurological Potential Health Problems: chronic exhaustion/fatigue without physical cause, skin diseases, environmental illness, neurosis, mental illness Emotional: Self-knowledge, learning, understanding, devine connection/connection to universe Helpful Crystals: Purple jasper, purple sapphire, lilac danburite, labradorite (spectorolite), clear quartz, apophyllite, diamond, selenite (usually clear or purple) The Chakras in Meditation: I always recommend beginning your meditation by grounding through your chakras first. Starting with the Root and moving up, one by one, to the Crown. I recommend moving up. You may find a Tibetan Singing Bowl Chakra playlist most helpful for the practice when you are first starting. I still prefer using this method when guiding my Morning Meditation Circle. You may also find guided chakra meditations on YouTube. It can take some time to discover which method works best for you and what sounds you prefer! Healing & Balancing the Chakras: Like with most things, especially spiritual, there are several ways you can work on healing and balancing your chakras. You caan work on your chakras solely through meditation. Preferably at least once a day, but at least a few times a week. It is recommended and ok to start of slow and simple! just a couple minutes when first beginning can be beneficial. You may employ the use of healing crystals during meditation to aid in your chakra work. Crystals can also be held or carried on a daily basis to aid you with certain chakras. Say you are about to be going to a very emotional event, you may take with you your Red Jasper or Hematite to help keep you grounded and protect your energy. In the above breakdown I've listed the most popularly used crystals with each chakra. If you're itching for more information on healing crystals, it is next week's topic! You may also seek the help of spiritual healers to aid you in clearing and balancing your chakras. Many trained in Reiki, for instance, will lbe able to help you with this. Keep in mind chakra balancing and healing is a never-ending process. It keeps you functioning at your best. Much like exercise, working on your chakras is a necessary and vital part to your health, energy, spirituality, and mindfulness. Start today and see what changes you experience! Do you habe any awesome stories about how chakra awareness, healing, and balancing has changed your life? Comment below or email me at [email protected] I would love to share your story! Crystal of the Week: With my weekly posts you will also be getting a crystal of the week infographic! Coming to believe in past lives on its own, is a revelation that took me many, many years to come to terms with. Especially after being raised in the Nazarene church. Because of the information received during many of my readings and my own intuitive feelings and experiences, the idea of reincarnation became impossible for me to dispute.
Lets begin by discussing what I’ve experienced during some of my client’s readings There have been several occasions where I pick up on the spirit of those who are children that were either miscarried, and in some cases, aborted. These are the most likely spirits (in my experience) to step forward and share that they will be returning to the (usually) mothers life in another form. This is not always necessarily as another child, though it can be, but can also be a friend or family member’s child. Perhaps even a child that eventually comes to be adopted in to the family. Like I’ve explained to my clients, you will know when you encounter this soul because you will have a special bond with this soul (you were, after all, their mother) and this bond will carry into their ‘new’ life. It has been expressed to me by the spirits that they only need wait for the feeling of familiarity and comfort to arise, and they will “just know”. Less common (but still possible) are older family members or friends that have passed who have stepped forward and expressed they will return to my clients during their lifetime. It too is expressed to me as a “you’ll just know” feeling. Maybe you are reading this thinking perhaps you have a bond like this with someone in your life. Who do you think that soul belongs to? Like most intuitive thoughts, the first thing that comes to your mind is likely your answer. Lets move on to what else we know Many of us feel drawn to a certain area, region, or country. Is there one place you’ve always wanted to go? For me, this is Ireland. For as long as I can remember, I’ve desired to be in Ireland. I honestly sometimes close my eyes and can see the green fields. I can see a cottage. I can walk you through the cottage and tell you what all the rooms are and where they’re located. Perhaps you don’t ‘see’ as much as I do. I didn’t always. Some may say I’m creating it from nothing, or images I’ve seen in pictures or movies. And that’s okay. One day I’ll return and find this place, and prove to myself that I knew all along. Anyway, to come back from my personal experience/rant. We’re drawn to the places where we’ve experienced a past life. Now, I bet you’re thinking, why? out of all the places we’ve lived (thinking you’ve logically had hundreds even thousands of lives) would you zone in on only one or two places? This is usually because whatever happened in that place, is a question, problem, or answer you need to revisit in this life to help complete this life’s ‘purpose’ or ‘understanding’. This all falls in line with the idea that each lifetime brings about a new lesson and or experience in order to bring your soul to a greater overall understanding. It is believed those in our closest inner circle (and some outside) of friends and family have usually traveled with us throughout our lifetimes. In each lifetime, these souls play a part in helping ours to connect and grow. Have you ever met someone and instantly felt like you just knew them? What’s your friendship with your best friend like? Perhaps you even refer to them as family. Have you ever felt an extreme tension between you and someone in your life and you just can’t figure out why? Have you wondered why someone’s actions effect your feelings so deeply when you really aren’t that ‘close’ to that person? These souls- you are connected with. You feel it. You just have to discover how deeply you are truly connected. Okay, so what about my interests? So, it’s not just places. I bet you saw this coming, huh? It’s also interests or extreme phobias or disinterests. Are you obsessed with a certain time period? Have you found yourself watching documentaries or reading books on a specific war? Are you intrigued by Native American culture or another culture? Perhaps the opposite, are you running from a certain event or time period? Do you have a talent or ability (maybe you’ve always been naturally talented at an instrument, like me, but could never find a way to make it your life’s work because you just weren’t that passionate about it) you just don’t really know what to do with it. Maybe you’ve done all the research and sped read through all the books on the Titanic and for some reason you still don't feel like you have the answers you need. There’s a myriad of ways shadows of our past lives present themselves into our present day lives. Again. If you ask yourself these questions, you’ll likely get your answers (obviously, usually not WHO specifically you were, but maybe what happened to you, where you lived, when you lived, or what kind of life you lived). Remember, your answers will likely be your very first thoughts. So, what’s the proof? We will never have all the answers, and we’re clearly not designed in a way to handle all the answers at once. Imagine if you remembered all the details to every single one of your past lives? Overwhelmed, we simply wouldn’t be able to function in this life. Our life is laid out for us to discover our past lives in a timely manner, so that we are ready to receive, understand and apply the answers to our present day lives. The fact you have made it this far into this post says you’re curious enough, and possibly even ready. Some lucky few are born with knowledge of their past lives. These are usually children (unfortunately many times, may be brushed off as make believe, as is communication with spirits... but that’s for another day). There are many stories of children who have given their former name, their birthday, described where they lived, what they did, who their family members were, and even how they died, and where their body is buried. In these extreme cases, they have, in fact been confirmed through research. Crazy, huh? Past Life Regressions are probably the most common look we get in to past lives. Regressions have even been used as a form of therapy by psychologists and have been recognized to be a beneficial form of treatment for many. Historically, there are thousands of accounts of past life regressions, with research and history to back the accounts. Regressions happen in a hypnosis state, which allows you, in a state of willingness, to bring into consciousness your past experiences. The past life experience(s) that will help guide you in your path for this life, are what you will “remember” and you will gain the insight you need to answer the questions you’re looking for. During regressions you may be able to describe your appearance, and your surroundings. You may recognize the people around you as people in your life now. You may recall your name or the year. You may recall an incident of some kind. Memories may be happy or sad. You usually will not recall a traumatic experience if you are not equipped to deal with it in this life at this moment. But it is important to remember, you are always in charge of your regression and may break the hypnosis state by waking. The person running your regression should always encourage you to wake from hypnosis if you experience and show emotional distress. Past lives are a never never ending list of questions. But we do have access to at least some of them. We just need to be open and ready to receive and understand the messages these memories carry. All of this to say, my interest in past lives has led me on a journey. This journey is not only to help guide myself in understanding why I am here and how I connect with those in my life, but how I can help others discover who they are, where they came from, and what their purpose is in this lifetime. I will start performing past life regressions in the coming months. Email or message me if you’re interested in booking. My first few will be free of cost. Ashlee StDenis [email protected] www.spiritualrealmconsulting.net a brief discussion of how my ability works ![]() Many people consider the ability to communicate with those who have physically left this world, to be a gift. While it is an extremely special part of my life in which I realize I am lucky to experience, in many ways it has been a very heavy burden. A struggle I have dealt with since the early age of 3. I have struggled my whole life with anxiety. I would avoid busy stores and restaurants. I wouldn't go to the movies because I knew I wouldn't be able to enjoy it. Everywhere I went, I would have images and thoughts cross my mind. Thoughts and images that did not belong to me. I knew things I “shouldn’t” know. I knew things about people some of their closest friends and family members didn’t know. I would leave the store or wherever I was, with so much guilt. I felt as if I had failed because I didn’t pass on a message that could have been life changing and healing for that stranger. The anxiety was almost debilitating for many years. I struggled with not being able to separate “reality” from these messages I was receiving. It wasn’t until I was pregnant with my first daughter I forced myself to gain the ability to put up the invisible walls… the bubble that protects me. I discovered I CAN turn the ability off, or at least force it into the background to the point it does not have to consume my life. How do I receive these messages? Much of my communication comes through in the form of words. I say I “hear”, but I don’t hear these words with my ears. They simply come into my thoughts. Many times they’re things that make no sense to me personally, but hold meaning to those that need to hear them. Sometimes I “see” what I can only describe as a memory of a photo. A clear image imprinted in my thoughts. A lot of times this is how I can describe the person I am communicating with, and other times the purpose of this is to bring up a favorite photo or moment of someone Rarely, but sometimes I can give you a name. Names often come to me as thoughts, but as if I am almost hearing them being spoken. When it comes to determining how someone has passed, many times this comes to me by experiencing pain in that area. For example, I had a reading today with a woman who passed of a brain tumor. The majority of the reading I experienced a pounding headache. During another reading, a soul had passed from cancer of the bowel, where my stomach felt like it was in knots. Many times I feel the emotions of those I am communicating with, including happiness, peace, guilt, sadness, hope, and so many more. Because of this I am able to portray and explain what these souls are trying to tell their loved ones. Very rarely, I have actually been able to see what seems to be a physical form of the soul reaching out to me. When this happens it often feels like I am standing in extreme fog. making the image not perfectly clear, but to where I can make out enough identifying information to describe them. "How do the deceased reach out to you and how do you determine who to talk to?" There are often times, especially in readings several souls that step forward. I usually can gather enough identifying information for each of them to confirm that their soul is there, is ok, and is willing to reach out. However, there is usually one that has the most to say and pass on. This soul often 'hijacks' the reading, which sounds bad, but in my experience this person has information that my clients need the most to find peace with their passing or whatever they are currently experiencing. This sensitive ability seems incredibly difficult to explain and put in to words. For now, I will do the best I can. If you have a question, ask! I will do my best to answer it. You may post questions in the comments or email them to [email protected] Author: Ashlee St.Denis spiritualrealmconsulting.net www.facebook.com/spiritualrealmconsulting |
AuthorMedium and creator of Spiritual Realm- Ashlee St.Denis. Featuring special entries from guests. Archives
March 2019